




  • Vex Engineers has a vibrant Research & Development Department that continuously innovates products to meet the growing demand of customers. We continuously apply creativity and innovation to every aspect of our business, thereby giving us the ability to stay ahead of the ever changing marketplace and competition. We have innovated two suitable products in the market:

      • Vex �P Wastewater System � this is an affordable wastewater disposal solution that uses gravity. It is modelled on anaerobic treatment process hence does not require electricity to operate it. It has a wide range of applications and suitable in areas where there is no electricity.
      • Vex-Technical Risk Coefficient Tool � suitable for use in the insurance industry to manage a wide range of risk associated with underwriting and claims. Its Main Focus:
      • Increased customer contact that promotes brand name.
      • Creates a unique position in customer minds
      • Customer retention, loyalty and company growth, - insurers must prioritize the task of improving customer experience across all channels
      • Creating competitive awareness � walking through with the client/customer during policy life to ensure full benefit of contracting parties